Technology Leadership
The On-Demand CIO service offering has become popular with small- and medium-sized businesses needing for part-time or temporary IT Leadership or experiencing budgetary restrictions. A short-term arrangement also alleviates the burden of investing time and budget to find the right permanent hire.

How can On-Demand CIO services benefit my organization?

Strategic Perspectives can offer a range of expertise:

  • On-Demand CIO services agreement for a term and/or a part-time basis
  • Transitional IT Leadership
  • Strategic Technology Plan Development
  • SP Technology Assessment
  • SP Technology Validation
  • SP Starter Bundle
  • SP Communications Package
  • Project Management

SP Technology Assessment
Strategic Perspectives provides business-focused Technology Assessments of an IT organization or initiative to evaluate business risk and performance potential.

SP Technology Validation
Strategic Perspectives provides an independent and objective validation of technology direction/strategy or offer alternatives to technology initiatives.

SP Starter Bundle
Small- and Mid-sized companies have technology needs that often go unmet or are performed at a minimal level.  The reason –- high cost as well as leadership’s focus on “core” business.

SP Communications Package
Strategic Perspectives will begin with an in-depth analysis of our client’s current voice (telephone) and data configuration to identify options for an optimal configuration.




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